The show is a spin-off from popular show Kumkum Bhagya and narrates the story of Pragya's long-lost sisters Preeta ( Shraddha Arya ) and Srishti ( Anjum Fakih ), their attempt to find their mother, Sarla ( Supriya Shukla ), and the relationship dynamics which lead to their acquaintance with the rich and famous "Luthra" family. The elder son of the Luthra family, Rishabh Luthra, ( Manit Joura ) owns a celebrity management firm which manages rockstar Abhishek Mehra, and his younger brother, Karan Luthra ( Dheeraj Dhoopar ), a famous cricketer. Both have a strong brotherly bond. Initially, Karan hates Preeta, but Rishabh begins to fall in love with Preeta's simple and loving nature. Eventually, Karan and Preeta become best friends and she also wins over the affections of the entire Luthra family, except for Rishabh and Karan's aunt, Kareena. When Rishabh marriage talk begins, he initially believes his mother has brought Preeta's alliance for him and accepts, ...